heels on fire
G'day folks - word is slowly spreading and the enthusiasm is growing. Lots happening and lots to do. Not sleeping that well and waking up at the crack of dawn to try to get the fitness side of things in order. I have had a few conversataions with some proper endurance runners who have advised me to take the 'death by dehydration' issue seriously. I am figuring that a crash course in vey basic maallloooo will be vital, as will the maallooo moustache.
What else? I am going to have to avoid all the good foods that Kerala has to offer for one whole month. Thats just not fair! I will also have to have my eyes peeled and my ears de-waxed so I can pick up sights and sounds worthy of recording along the way.
Currently working with Dez on pulling the budget together and am chatting with Rahul on the ifs and whats of his potential travel. Those of you who dont know Rahul - you soon will. He can balance a chair on his chin and can organize things and people like there is no tomorrow. A definite asset if he comes along. In the background I am also chatting with Rocket - the one other person on this earth whom I know that is both capable and mad enough to join the full run itself. Also chatting with the North Face - lets see what goodies I can squeeze out of them!
Once again - a mighty thanks to the good people who are making the adventure come to life.
All ideas and suggestions are welcome...